
As Lila Kağıt, we have been putting aside commercial expectations and making efforts to be useful and add value to society, nature, the environment and humanity since the day we were founded.


In order to leave a better world for future generations, we place the United Nations Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals at the center of our sustainability approach and align all our activities with these agreements and goals.


In order to demonstrate our aim, we are among the global signatories of the United Nations Global Compact.


Production from Industrial Forests

Industrial forests are being created in the world in order to protect forests, which are an indispensable resource, and to ensure that forest resources are transferred to future generations.


As Lila Kağıt, we use only raw cellulose obtained from industrial forests as the basic raw material in our production process, thus we mediate the protection of natural forests. However, we obtain the raw materials necessary for production from suppliers certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which guarantees the entire process of production in forests until they reach the consumer and the recycling of these products Jul.

Sustainable Facility

With our TM3 and TM4 paper production lines commissioned in 2020 and 2022, we have become the facility with the most environmentally friendly and lowest carbon footprint machines reached by technology, realizing a first in the paper sector in terms of environment. With our new applications;

  • The use of rainwater in production by collecting
  • Intelligent ventilation systems
  • Minimizing the waste heat-producing resources and bringing them back to the production process

as such, we contribute to our sustainability goals with different projects implemented in our facility.

Thanks to all these eco-friendly systems, we provide a resource saving of up to 15 percent per year in resource usage.

Zero Waste Approach

In line with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and Lila Kağıt’s Environmental Policy, we implement practices aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and minimizing waste. As part of this effort, we established a Zero Waste Management System at our production facility and earned the “Zero Waste Certificate” in 2019.

We ensure that 100% of the waste generated from our activities is delivered to licensed companies for recycling and recovery. Waste that cannot be recycled is sorted into specific and legally defined categories and sent to licensed disposal or storage facilities.

All electronic equipment used is delivered to licensed recycling companies under the “Donate Instead of Discard” project once its life cycle is complete. The proceeds from the recycling are donated to TEGV (Educational Volunteers Foundation of Türkiye) to support children’s education.

The Use of Biodegradable Packaging

We continue to implement our practices aimed at protecting the natural resources we use in production activities and preventing plastic pollution in a way that does not compromise product safety.


We prefer biodegradable packaging in our Sofia branded products, which can self-destruct in nature under appropriate conditions and thus prevent environmental pollution.

Energy Management

We carry out our energy management activities in accordance with ISO 50001 Energy Management System standards, which aim to ensure that a systematic approach is followed in the continuous improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy security and energy consumption.

Renewable Energy Investments

With the aim of creating a global competitive advantage, reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to our country’s economy, we have made a total renewable energy investment of 12.5 MWh by installing 33,885 solar panels on our roofs at our production site in 2024. Thanks to this, about 8.5 percent of our total electricity consumption is covered by green energy and we prevent carbon emissions of 8,613 tons per year.


We aim to increase our renewable energy capacity to 50 MW with the new SEPP investments that we will make in different regions of Türkiye and to provide 25 percent of the electricity we use from renewable sources in an energy-intensive business line such as industry.


We support the expansion of Türkiye’s unique nature in order to leave better tomorrows for future generations. In line with this goal, thanks to the ongoing cooperation of our Sofia brand with the TEMA Foundation since 2014, we have donated over 100 thousand saplings for afforestation studies so far.


In cooperation with the innovative social enterprise ecording, we donated 3 million seed balls in the 2021-2023 period and enabled hard-to-reach areas to meet the soil through ecodrones.

Carbon Footprint Measurements

We have been measuring our carbon emissions regularly since 2015. Thanks to the technical plans we have made and the line efficiency and heat recovery projects we have implemented, we regularly reduce our emissions per unit product caused by our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.


We carry out detailed analyses on our emissions on a category basis, and as a result of these analyses, we are trying to increase the impact focus and efficiency of planned projects in the name of emission reduction.


By switching to the use of purification within the company, disposable plastic cups, plates, forks, etc. we are working to create plastic-free offices by terminating the supply of materials and distributing glass flasks to all our office employees who are at work.


Support for Education with TEGV

We have been supporting the Educational Volunteers of Türkiye Foundation and developing joint projects continuously since 2010 by saying ”everyone has the right to access qualified education”.

  • Establishment of a Learning Unit in Çorlu and Tekirdağ,
  • Support to TEGV with the proceeds from the sale of Maylo products,
  • Organizing painting exhibitions for the benefit of TEGV,
  • Participation in marathons for the benefit of TEGV with Lila Kağıt employees every year,
    Removing products for the benefit of TEGV and offering them for sale in national chains such as Migros, Şok, A-101,
  • Donation of electronic waste for the benefit of TEGV,
  • Organization of visual arts and drama workshops at TEGV Learning Units

with many sub-projects such as these, our children, who are the future of our country, are supported, and a sustainable business model is being implemented, including our employees and customers.

Support for Women's Employment

In addition to our current practices, we continue our work to contribute to women’s greater participation in business life and leadership positions and their economic empowerment. In this context;

As a global member of LEAD Network, we are among the first signatories from Türkiye of the CEO Pledge, in which we undertake to increase the rate of female employees and managers.

We are among the official signatories of the “Women’s Empowerment Principles” (WEPs), developed in partnership with the UN Global Compact and UN Women.

We are among the partners of the Women in Sales Network program, which was developed to increase the number of women in sales departments.

Occupational Safety Practices

Our first priority is to protect our human resources, which are the most valuable and important resources of our company, from all kinds of occupational health and safety risks.

Our company has ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate, which is a systematic framework. The OHS board, which is attended by all department members, meets regularly every month and reports are made to the members. Periodic OHS trainings are carried out in accordance with the determined goals. In these trainings, topics such as OSH general rules and safety culture, First aid, safe working in closed areas, hot working, using cutting tools, emergency situations, protection from occupational accidents, evacuation and rescue, working at altitude, electrical safety, safe forklift operation are discussed.

Ethical Rules and Working Principles

Our working principles, which are born out of our corporate culture and have been going on for many years, are collected under ethical rules.


However, applications and notifications received through the Ethics Line established within the company are carefully reviewed and finalized within the framework of the confidentiality principle through the Ethics Committee.

Talent Management

Lila Kağıt with our talent management strategies;

  • Meeting the company’s need for business and management continuity,
  • Increasing the knowledge skill level, efficiency and productivity of the company and the employee,
  • Creating a critical role and executive potential to meet company requirements in the future,
  • It is aimed to provide the guidance they need to have a successful career life within the company.

In line with these goals; Career Management, Rotation, Backup, Potential Identification, Lila Academy, Employee Representation, Individual Development Planning, I Think Recommendation System, 360 Evaluation, and end-to-end talent management are provided with Path-opening programs at Lila Paper.